The recent PNP Shadow cabinet re-shuffle by Donovan Reynolds, Independent writer.

Opposition Leader Mark Golding recently unveiled a restructured Shadow Cabinet, a move he asserts aims to highlight the diverse talents and extensive skills within the People’s National Party (PNP). However, the decision to remove Lisa Hanna, who held the role of Opposition Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, has sparked criticism both from within and outside the party. 

 Critics argue that such alterations may have implications for the party's electoral performance and popularity, especially in the context of a potentially impending double election cycle. With the governing Jamaica JLP anticipated to announce Local Government Elections at the end of February, following a constitutionally due General election within a year. There is even speculation about the possibility of both elections being called simultaneously by a political crafty Prime Minister Holness. 

Our position on the re-shuffling  

At we wholeheartedly support the Leader's position, contending that a fractured Shadow Cabinet entails significant and layered risks for a political party. Such internal divisions hinder the party's capacity to articulate a clear and cohesive message to voters. This discord not only undermines the party's leadership image but also corrodes public trust, potentially leading to a loss of voter confidence at the polls.  

Additionally, we believe that the ensuing feuds challenge shaping the party's policy propositions, stemming from internal conflicts, can result in delayed or compromised decision-making. Moreover, internal strife provides strategic opportunities for the opposition to exploit disagreements, heightening the electoral challenges faced by the People's National Party (PNP). Furthermore, there is the possibility that it could lead to ineffective campaigning, potential defections, and the prospect of post-election governance challenges further exacerbate the adverse impact on the party's credibility and its ability to govern cohesively. The internal feuds within the People's National Party (PNP) have undeniably derailed the party's core messaging, obscuring its potential as a viable alternative for government. The ongoing conflicts, exacerbated by the removal of detractors, have diverted the party's attention from its crucial role in communicating a clear and compelling message to the electorate. With these internal challenges addressed, the PNP's leader can now refocus on articulating the party's core manifesto aims. 

By prioritizing key issues such as reducing crime, eradicating poverty, combating corruption in public life, enhancing public infrastructure, and spearheading job creation and inward investment, the PNP can reposition itself as a formidable force capable of transforming Jamaica. With a united front, the party can regain the trust of the electorate and present a coherent vision for a prosperous and progressive Jamaica, highlighting its potential as a credible alternative for effective governance. 

Shadow Cabinet Team Members  

We concur that the newly formed People's National Party (PNP) shadow cabinet, led by Mark Golding as Leader of the Opposition and Defence, reflects a diverse range of portfolios aimed at addressing various aspects of governance and national development. See notes at end of this blog for details of the members of the revised PNP cabinet. 


Across the landscape of the last two electoral cycles, the PNP has been impacted by leadership ambitions, overinflated egos, identity politics and a pervasive sense of political disunity. This toxic cocktail has proven to be the bane of the party's electoral success, thwarting their aspirations at the polls. However, there is a glimmer of hope in the form of Mr. Golding's strategic move - the reshuffling of the shadow cabinet. 

In a political climate marred by internal strife, Golding's decisive action emerges as a clever strategic move it will inject vitality into a party battered by discord. This bold maneuver is not merely a shuffle of positions; it is a calculated effort to strengthen the party and align it with a clear sense of purpose, just in time for the imminent local government and general elections. 

At, we proudly declare our allegiance to Goldings PNP administration and stand unwaveringly by this courageous decision. We urge the hard working and long-suffering comrades of the PNP to support Mark Golding in uniting the party. 

The imperative for change within the People's National Party's (PNP) Shadow Cabinet is driven by the critical need to restore unity and refocus the party's messaging for effective governance. The ongoing internal feuds have disrupted the PNP's ability to present itself as a coherent and viable alternative for government.  

By making strategic changes in the Shadow Cabinet, the party's leadership, foster internal cohesion and a shared commitment to the party's core manifesto aims. This realignment is crucial to communicate a united front to the electorate, emphasizing the PNP's dedication to reducing crime, eradicating poverty, rooting out corruption, improving public infrastructure, fostering job creation, inward investment, and of course winning elections on behalf of every Jamaican's we represent the many and not the few.  

A united Shadow Cabinet will be revitalized by new talent and reinforced by old experience not only bolster the party's credibility but also provide a solid foundation for delivering a compelling vision for a better Jamaica. By prioritizing unity, the PNP can overcome internal strife, regain voter trust, and position itself as a variable alternative to the beleaguered JLP.  


Golding's resolute steps to reorganize the shadow cabinet signify a departure from the divisive past, presenting a united front that resonates with voters. This strategic move, undertaken in the face of internal challenges, symbolizes a commitment to a more cohesive and effective political force. 

As supporters of the Goldings PNP administration, we believe that this shake-up will not only mend the fractures within the party but will also send a resounding message to the electorate. It is a declaration that the PNP is evolving, learning from its past mistakes, and gearing up for a more formidable presence in the upcoming elections. We support Mr. Golding's courage and vision, convinced that his strategic reshuffling is the catalyst for a reinvigorated and purpose driven PNP that will engage the hearts and votes of the nation. 


Members of new PNP cabinet: 

In the realm of Transparent & Accountable Governance, key members include Dr Angela Brown-Burke for Foreign & Regional Affairs, Senator Donna Scott-Mottley for Justice, Natalie Neita-Garvey for Local Government & Participatory Democracy, and Nekeisha Burchell for Information & Public Communication. 

Under the banner of Sustainable Economic Development, notable appointments include Julian Robinson for Finance & the Public Service, Dr Dayton Campbell for Agriculture & Rural Development, Anthony Hylton for Investment, Trade & Global Logistics, Dr Andre Haughton for Science, Technology, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, and Janice Allen as Tourism & Linkages Senator. The Social Cohesion & Empowerment sector is represented by Senator Peter Bunting for Citizen Security & Productivity, Senator Damion Crawford for Education & Community Development, Dr Alfred Dawes for Health & Wellness, Patricia Sutherland for Social Transformation & Social Protection, and Denise Daley for Gender Affairs, Persons with Disabilities & Inclusion, with Senator Gabriela Morris overseeing Youth & Civic Engagement. 

Donovan Reynolds is the CEO of He is a trained Diplomat, Human Rights Activist, and Communication Consultant. This article is edited by Ann Smith, a British Educator and Social Activist. is a charitable organization that has been in existence for over nine years. We have an interest in Politics, Human Rights, and International Development Issues. Viewers wishing to comment on this article may do so in the space provided on this blog. Alternatively, they can contact us at or on our Twitter or Facebook Page. 


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