Can Member of Parliament George Wright do anything right? - By Donovan Reynolds Independent writer

Member of Parliament George Wright is not man of sparkling and brilliant oratory. He is a reasonable clever man from a working-class back ground who has driven his way up the JLP political ladder. Although George Write worked hard for a JLP victory he was never considered as a high priest of the JLP status quo. However, all that hard work may be whittled away because of his own folly. 

Notwithstanding, he needs to be treated fairly. When George Wright, the Jamaica Labour Party candidate in last September's general election, defeated the People's National Party's Dwayne Vaz. To take the Westmoreland Central seat It set tongues wagging on both sides of the political divide. At the heart of JLP and PNP politics class is always the dead elephant in the room, whose stench grows by the day. 
Many from the JLP Status Quo felt that Wright was not considered to be from the correct political stock and undeserving of his coronation.
Conversely, his win was seen a victory for grass roots labourite aspiring to become future JLP Member of parliament. Jamaica is a country incubates our worst habits as well as our best. So, on Sunday, April 11, 2021 a video began circulating of a physical altercation between a man and a woman. Thereafter, rumours stated to circulate that it was George Wright and a female companion engaged in a nasty physical altercation.

 It was brought to the attention of the police who began investigating the matter. Within days of the investigation the police interviewed MP George Wright. Subsequent reports were made at different police stations in Hanover. By both Mr Wright and his female companion regarding the incidents. The police also noted that the quality of video of the incident, which has now gone viral, is too low to be of much help to the investigation. Furthermore, both parties are refusing to take the matter any further. 

 There is no doubt that Mr Wright's  matter has been very embarrassing to the JLP Government  and women. They  are also right to be infuriated by the entire affair. Many commentators hold the view that there is a brazenness and shamelessness with which the female was assaulted. Furthermore, in they believe that this negative publicity on public relation terms will be hard for the JLP to mitigate. Let’s not get carried away by the emotional current as it’s a tale of two halves.

 At the very outset, Opposition Spokesperson on Justice and Gender Affairs, Senator Donna Scott Mottley, smelling “political blood” - called for Wright's immediate resignation. She urged the Jamaica Constabulary Force to bring all resources at its disposal to immediately investigate the incident. Likewise, the incident was an uncomfortable event for the JLP. Especially, Minister Olivia “Babsy” Grange: Youth, Sports & Culture Minister, with responsibility for Women and Gender Affairs. She posited, “The Government is firmly against acts of violence. This video is deeply disturbing and completely unacceptable. We cannot condone any act of gender-based or family violence; we cannot turn a blind eye."

So, the stage was set for a political castigation of Mr Wright and his possible political demise. Like everybody else, I believe that the increase violence is pushing us towards the abyss of a feral Jamaican society that we are fearful of living in. 

However, the legal concept still holds that, the guilt of an accused person cannot be presumed and that they must be assumed to be innocent until proven otherwise. 

Now that the police have put a halt on the matter, the public eyes are turned on what action the JLP might take. It takes a great deal of determination to ask for Mr Wrights to be treated with respect in this matter. In any disciplinary charges that may be proffered against him by the JLP. Since he has been already castigated by the placing of an obscured video in the public domain.

 Moreover, it is easy also for the JLP to throw him under the bus for two reasons. One reason is that he can be sacrificed at the alter of cancel culture as he is not the brightest spark on the JLP parliamentary bench. Another is that, they can afford to lose him as the have the numbers now stacked in their favour to pass any bill they need to pass so he can be fed to the political sharks for his misgivings
As deeply disturbing as this video may seem, the court of public opinion must set it aside. As it does not meet the legal criteria as enough evidence. Gender base violence is a problem in Jamaica but to conflate this issue with the kidnapping, murder and rape of women is out of step and proportion-in this case. Gender based violence should not be solely attributed to males it is a debilitating human condition.

 Just recently in Mr Wright constituency a video went viral with a female beating a man with a machete. The man pleaded for his life while onlookers chiding him for being weak because he did not retaliate. Gender based violence is not confined to women it’s a human condition. Yet, I accept the fact that proportionally in Jamaica women bear the blunt of most of the violence that take place in Jamaica. However, to unfairly saddle Mr Wright with the burden of escalating gender violence is grossly unfair however nuance the situation might seem.

 To additionally, heap the total weight of the spiralling gender violence in Jamaica on the head of George Wright. Because he is a big Member of parliament is an incredible unjust act of revenge. In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small individuals, as issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same. 
So, the expectation is that Mr Wright should not be judged wrongly based on the court of public opinion but according to credible available evidence. So, in essence - the obscured video and the reporting of the matter to the police by Member of Parliament for Central Westmoreland Mr George Wright. Has been a sordid affair for everyone involved- in this extended debate played out in the media and full glare of the public. Mr Wright must be in a back room sweating about the future of his job and summoning his better angels for a favourable outcome.

 In summary, the circulation of a video suggesting violence towards a female by Mr Wright has generated great anguish among women concerned about the current spate of violence in Jamaica. If it is what it seems, then some amount of punishment needs to be meted out to him. Albeit, not at the level that the Opposition spokesperson on Gender affair is prescribing. Surely, it should not be at the level of a cancellation of his Job. Mainly because, both parties involved in the video do not want to pursue the matter legally. Uncomfortable as it may seem, this change in circumstances should cause a shift in approach.

 It is now a matter the JLP disciplinary committee as a turn of events might affect the outcome. To conclude, Mr Wright may well deserve a mixture of punishment, counselling and educational support about gender-based violence and any other sanction that the JLP disciplinary committee may deem necessary. 

There are several JLP political aspirants from the entitlement pollical class that are rubbing their hands together and salivating over the prospect of taking Georges job. I urge them to hold their brakes as Justice has several twists and turn- if the pendulum of justice swings in his favour they might have to curb their political ambitions. 
In a country where class is the determinant of one’s political future the future of Mr Wright  case is hard to predict. “In the halls of Jamaican political justice, justice is always given to in the elite class in the halls. "Therefore, anything can happen in Mr Wright case. 

The days ahead will be rather interesting as this political saga continue to unfold.

 Donovan Reynolds is CEO for He is a trained Diplomat, Human Rights Activist, and a Communication Consultant. This article is edited by Ann Smith, a British Educator and Social Activist. is a charitable organization that has been in existence for over nine years. We have an interest in Politics, Human Rights, and International Development Issues. Viewers wishing to comment on this article may do so at the space provided on this blog. Alternatively, they can contact us at kingstonmouth 63@ or on our Twitter or Facebook Page.


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