
Showing posts from November, 2020

Donald Trump loses the American Election but Refuses to accept Defeat. By Donovan Reynolds Independent Writer.

  Last Saturday, from Times Square to Timbuktu, the world celebrated the end of Donald Trump's tumultuous reign as President of the United States of America; the celebrations in the cities across the US looked like the festivities following the dethroning of a South American dictator. There was an overarching feeling of relief as it was felt by his critics that President Trump was leading the US towards a hateful and tyrannical place. His demonization of immigrants, Muslims, Blacks, LGBTQ, and disabled people over his four years of President is well documented and has become a source of embarrassment for many Americans.        In a live broadcast, President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris made victory speeches to the nation in Biden’s hometown of Wilmington, Delaware. They both spoke before enthusiastic Democratic Party supporters. The President elect's overarching theme was a call for unity as the outcome of the bruising election has left a sharply-div

Joe Biden: a UK perspective by Ann Smith.

  I start with an admission:   my knowledge about the newly elected US President Joe Biden was zero until the Democratic debates began some months ago.   Then, encouraged by my partner Donovan, I became interested in the candidates spouting forth enthusiastically during the summer of 2020, competing for the position of leader of the US Democratic Party. We had our favourites: mine being Pete Buttigieg and Donovan's preference was for Kamilla Harris and Amy Klobuchar.  Throughout those months I profess I had little interest in Joe Biden, like so many non US viewers I disregarded him, judging him predominantly by his age.  Why, I asked, would anyone vote for him: so old, often a little indecisive and occasionally fluffing his speeches.   So now I eat my words . Could Biden be the solution to so many of our woes today?  He is certainly a warm and empathetic character in contrast to the vile, narcissistic Donald Trump.  My visceral response to Biden's win is one of a positive